12th Jan 2004 - 7th Feb 2004
University Gallery
An exhibition that explores technologies and understandings around the notion of skin. This exhibition includes objects, products and art works, sharing the subject matter and facilitating a sharing of ideas. Exhibits include an installation by the textile artist Caroline Broadhead; Optical illusions created by digital print technology and C.A.D. by Glasgow based company British Design; An award winning 21st Century motorcycle suit by the by Rukka from Finland; Interactive "zip" wallpaper by the London based designer Tracy Kendal; Woven fibre optics by Sarah Taylor, Scotland; Bio-climatic building skins from the Berlin based architectural practice Sauerbruch and Hutton and contributions from the Natural History Museum, London and the Booth Museum, Brighton.
The exhibition has been curated by The School of Architecture and Design with support from the Centre for Contemporary Visual Arts, University of Brighton.
Image: Marcus Gaab , Stone Island Serie 100