wayzgoose 2005– exhibition by seven postgraduate printmakers: margaret ashman, claire auvache, tom baggale, lola barranco, joanna brendon, antonia glynne jones, libby jones.
Wayzgoose means ‘a Summer celebration enjoyed by printers’ and dates back to the eighteenth century. Giving the word a contemporary twist, seven postgraduate artists have used it for the title of their Masters Degree Show in Printmaking and Professional Practice at the University of Brighton run in partnership with london print studio. The exhibition will first be shown at the University of Brighton (21 June-1 July), but then transfers to londonprintstudio (londonprintstudio 425 Harrow Road London W10 4RE).
From Mosquitoes to Myopia
The work of the seven artists is very different, but together form a strong and inspiring collection. Antonia Glynne Jones’ large and colourful prints of insects are both threatening and appealing; Margaret Ashman has powerful life-sized etchings showing people using British Sign Language; Libby Jones’ fascinating work based on the Platonic Solids takes print into 3D; Claire Auvache’s romantic monotone images are produced by pin-hole camera; Lola Barranco shows landscape-based works, moody and mysterious; Tom Baggaley’s etchings intrigue one with their complex abstraction; Joanna Brendon’s ‘eye-catching’ prints represent vision, irises and retinas.
To coincide with the exhibition, the group has produced a boxed set of prints, also called Wayzgoose, for which 12 distinguished guest artists, including Tom Hammick, Thérèse Oulton and Rebecca Salter, have especially created works. The 19 prints are limited to an edition of 35 and are individually signed by each artist. Wayzgoose will be available for sale and for exhibition, as a complete set, making it ideal for collectors or as a special gift. It will be displayed at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, in October.
Press release enquiries
tel 020 8969 3247 email info@londonprintstudio.org.uk www.londonprintstudio.org.uk
Enquiries about boxed set: tel 020 8743 5030 or 020 8863 6174 or email as above