A one day conference to coincide with Mark Power’s exhibition ‘A System of Edges – Travels to the Edge of the London A-Z’
The conference will seek to explore aspects of visioning the spaces of the contemporary city through photography and the relationship of these to the narrative possibilities offered by film and literature. Whilst the modern city has often been seen as synonymous with its sites of economic, political and cultural power, this conference will attend to importance of marginal and peripheral urban spaces, and the city’s geographical as well as social ‘edges’.
Contributors to the conference include: the photographers Mark Power and Rut Blees Luxemburg, the novelist Iain Sinclair, filmmaker and writer Chris Petit, the cultural and film theorist Stephen Barber and writer on photography Joanna Lowry.
For further information contact David Green on 01273 643014 (answer phone) or email dg53@bton.ac.uk