3rd Feb 2017
Clore 55, V&A, London, SW7
The Brexit referendum has caused economic and cultural turmoil. What does this mean for European and British design? Is there a distinctly European design culture and, if so, what is this? How might British design and the cultural industries become realigned post-Brexit? What other international alignments are there at work for British design?
Chair: Guy Julier, Professor of Design Culture, University of Brighton and V&A / University of Brighton Principal Research Fellow in Contemporary Design. Author of Economies of Design, (Sage 2017).
Franco Bianchini, Professor of Cultural Policy and Head of the Institute for Research on Culture and the Creative Industries, University of Hull
Alastair Donald, Future Cities Project
Sarah Mann, Director of Architecture, Design and Fashion, British Council
Robert Mull, Professor of Architecture and Head of School of Architecture and Design, University of Brighton, founder of Dezeen Brexit Design Manifesto
Michael Thomson, CEO Design Connect and former President, Bureau of European Design Associations
This is a free drop-in event. No need to book.
This Salon coincides with the V&A’s ‘Collecting Europe’ week, supported by the Goethe Institute.