23rd Apr 2014 10:30pm
University of Brighton Hastings Campus
To celebrate the centenary of the publication of the seminal novel ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’ and in recognition of the donation of ‘The Robert Tressell Family Papers’ to the University the University of Brighton in Hastings invites you to
Whose Robert Tressell? Public History and ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’
Academics and public history professionals from four areas associated with Tressell, Hastings, London, Liverpool and Dublin will be discussing interpretations and representations of Tressell and his novel.
10.30am Arrival/Refreshments
11.00am ‘Whose Robert Tressell?’
Dr Trevor Hopper University of Brighton, Hastings.
11.30am ‘A book that belongs to everyone: making ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’ manuscript accessible to all’
Christine Coates. Former Librarian TUC Collection
12.00noon ‘Robert Noonan: thinker, sailor, soldier, thief?’
Dr Stuart Borthwick. Principal Lecturer in Arts, Professional and Social Studies. Liverpool John Moores University
12.30pm - 1.30pm. Lunch provided, if booked
1.30pm ‘Religion and The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’
Dr Deborah Madden University of Brighton in Hastings
2.00pm ‘New light on Robert Noonan’s Irish family and childhood’
Bryan MacMahon. Dublin. Independent.
2.30pm ‘The Tressell Collection at Hastings Museum.’
Catherine Walling. Museum Curator.
To book your place email:- hastingsinfo@brighton.ac.uk
University of Brighton in Hastings
Priory Square, Hastings, TN34 1AE
Tel 01273644642