12th Jul 2017
Sallis Benney Theatre
The CRD celebrated the collective achievements of colleagues researching in the Schools of Architecture & Design, Art, Humanities and Media on 12 July 2017.
In this year of major changes, we wanted to celebrate the variety of colleagues’ research, and how it can flourish in challenging and uncertain environments.
Talks from colleagues addressed subjects from children’s cinema to the way textiles behave; from refugees and migration to National Trust heritage; giving a flavour of our creative, ingenious and rebellious research projects.
If you attended the event, we hope you enjoyed the opportunity to join us and celebrate the end of this academic year; the feedback from the event has been extremely positive! If you were not able to attend, the talks were recorded and can be viewed below.
Download the programme
Wednesday, 12th July
13:00 – 18:00
Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade
Introduction by David Cotterrell
Collated work by researchers from the four schools
Colleagues from the Schools of Architecture and Design, Art, Humanities, and Media were asked to contribute to a curated piece that gave a overview of their work as individual researchers.
If you are a member of the university you can access the presentations here (you will need your university login to access the information).
Image: Photo by Dominic Alves, sourced from Flickr
Research-Festival-programme-2017.pdf at University of Brighton, College of Arts and Humanities [pdf 22.7 MB]