30th Jun 2014 - 1st Jul 2014
Sallis Benney Theatre
Faculty of Arts’ Annual Research Festival
30th June & 1st July 2014
An exploration and celebration of the research taking place within the faculty that pushes and tests the boundaries of research across the faculty. The festival will address the methods by which boundaries are tested and the key issues that are being pushed to the forefront.
This year's festival will take place over two days and is open to all members of the faculty, including academics, administrators, technicians and postgraduate students.
#uobresearch Tweets
Day one is based in the Sallis Benney Theatre, café and quad with a programme that includes presentations and performances.
Day two consists of a variety of workshops, including the launch of the Research Student Forum.
Book here
Full day of presentations
The day starts at 9.00 with registration, followed at 9.30 by Welcome and Introduction by Professor Jonathan Woodham.
Guest Speaker, Dr Tracey Warr’s presentation, Making it Happen, will examine where the boundaries of creativity lay in her own collaborations with artists London Fieldworks and Urbonas Studio.
Dr Vedrana Velickovic’s paper, ‘New Europeans’ in Contemporary Literature and Culture will examine the re-emergence of this ‘figure’ in a range of contemporary media, film and literary production about and from Eastern Europe.
Dr Anita Rupprecht’s paper, ‘Inherent Vice’: Tracing the Legacies of Atlantic Slavery, part of a larger research project, contributes to the project of tracing slavery’s occluded legacies.
Dr Dora Carpenter-Latiri and Simon Sandy’s paper, "Too much yellow? Add yellow.” Photos and narratives: documenting the collaborative process behind a textual-visual research project, will illustrate the collaborative work of Simon Sandy’s (photography) and Dora Carpenter-Latiri’s (humanities) over five portraits of Tunisian women.
Dr Julie Doyle’s presentation, Speaking out: Communicative media practices for social change, will focus upon 3 key areas of media research which attend to these concerns: 1) community media and social engagement; 2) sexualities, youth and social media; 3) climate change communication and action.
Dr Ryan Southall’s talk The VI-Suite. An integrated set of environmental analysis and generative design tools, will focus on the choice of Blender as a host application, some of the Vi-Suite's capabilities and a demonstration of its operation
Children of Unquiet, film screening and presentation of a new body of work by Dr Mikhail Karikis that takes place within the intricate natural, historical and socio-economic context of the geothermal area of the Devil’s Valley in Tuscany, Italy.
A panel debate: How effective is Performance Art at pushing boundaries? will be Chaired by Alan Boldon with Alice Fox, Professor Bob Brecher and Dr Mikhail Karikis.
Dr Karen Miller will talk about her research into Understanding the Characteristics of Design Leaders in Large Fashion Retailers.
Dr Damon Taylor’s research, Design Systemics: Large Technical Systems and Four-Dimensional Objects, connects the development of material networks or Large Technical Systems, such as the railways and the roads, the national electricity grid and the landline telephone network, the cellphone system and Internet, to the quotidian physicality of the everyday.
Mapping Social Design: Research and Practice, Professor Guy Julier and Jocelyn Bailey will talk about their work over the last 9 months, to investigate the field of social design research and practice; in this talk they will present the findings from this mapping project, and their prospective recommendations to AHRC.
The rounding up session will be a Panel discussion: How can we all continue to push boundaries through our research? Chaired by Professor Gillian Youngs with panel members Professor Cheryl Buckley, Alan Boldon and Dr Katy Shaw.
The day will end with Drinks, Performances and a Faculty of Arts Book Launch - a celebration of recent staff publications.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided on Monday.
9:00-10:30 Funding opportunities in the Arts and Humanities
Led by Dr Anne Galliot and Tony Inglis
10:30-11:30 Staff opportunities for study- MRes and PhD
Led by Professor Darren Newbury and Dr Mary Anne Francis
11:30-13:00 How to use mentoring in achieving research aims and ambitions
Led by Professor Gillian Youngs
12:00-13:00 Targeting the right publication
Led by Professor Jeremy Aynsley and Professor Peter Lloyd
13:00-14:00 Planning your Research
Led by Dr Anne Galliot
14:00-15:00 Knowing the audience: making an impact in arts and humanities research
Led by Professor Don Macraild, Professor of British and Irish History, University of Ulster
15:00-16:00 Professors, what do they do?
Led by Professor Cheryl Buckley
15:30-17:00 Research Student Forum: Work in Progress
Chaired by Professor Alan Tomlinson
Pushing-the-Boundaries-programme.pdf at University of Brighton, College of Arts and Humanities [pdf 7.3 MB]