13th Oct 2008 - 8th Dec 2008
Conference room, CRD, Grand Parade
The RSD together with student Anna Dumitriu and Professor Charlie Hooker launched a series of open seminar groups in 2007-08 to discuss and interrogate the nature of practice-based research in art and design in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The aim was to provide a constructive and collective learning environment for the discussion of complex ideas and a consideration of current theory for those undertaking practice-based research and those supervising it, as well as all other interested parties. This seminar group was part of a general enterprise to encourage a thriving research culture in the RSD, as well as reaching out to the local community; therefore local artists, researchers and members of other universities were encouraged to join us.
Seminars featured presentations, demonstrations, open-discussion and practical sessions by external and internal speakers. They included:
Seminar timetable for Autumn term, 2008
13 October 2008: Knowledge Through Practice Seminar - Sandra Lim
27 October 2008: Knowledge Through Practice Seminar - Pia Tikka
10 November 2008: Knowledge Through Practice Seminar - John Frans Holder
1 December 2008 Knowledge Through Practice Seminar - Professor Lizbeth Goodman
8 December 2008 Knowledge Through Practice Seminar - Peter Seddon