1st Oct 2014 6:00pm-8:00pm
ICA, 12 Carlton House Terrace, London
Book launch for Love Objects: Emotion, Design and Material Culture which features essays by three University of Brighton College of Arts & Humanities researchers: Professor Jonathan Champman, Dr Louise Purbrick and Dr Jane Hattrick.
This event will explore the material forms of love and devotion, considering in particular the ways in which objects can function as active participants in and mediators of our relationships, as well as tokens of affection, foci for devotion and symbols of both fun and sexual liberation. The session will further interrogate some of the issues presented in the book, and will include Noreen McGuire (Independent Scholar) speaking on amateur shoemaking by women in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Dr Fran Carter (Independent Scholar) discussing narrative and meaning in women’s sex shops, along with Dr Ann Wilson (Cork Institute of Technology) on bleeding statues in early 20th-century Ireland. The session will be introduced by Dr Sorcha O'Brien (Kingston University) and Dr Anna Moran (National College of Art and Design, Dublin) editors of the book, and will be chaired by Prof. Jessica Hemmings, Head of Visual Culture at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin.
The session will be followed by the launch of the book by Prof. Penny Sparke of Kingston University (booking not required).
Tickets for the Studio Session can be booked directly from the ICA.
Love Objects: Emotion, Design and Material Culture was released today and can be ordered from all good bookstores, or directly from Bloomsbury.
Love Objects will also be launched in Dublin, at the National College of Art and Design, at 4pm on Monday 29 September. All welcome.