7th Oct 2008 6:30pm-7:30pm
Sallis Benney Theatre
Design Paradigms: Sustainability? John Thackara
Design Paradigms is the Faculty of Arts' public lecture series organised by the Design Research Institute. The series will focus on the theme of sustainability to explore models of design practice. Each lecture is by a leading designer. Design is an intrinsic part of our contemporary visual and material culture. Design engages with everyday life, both practically and philosophically.
John Thackara designs events, projects and organisations. He is Director of Doors of Perception which connects together paradigm-changing designers, technology innovators and grassroots innovators. Author of In the Bubble, his most recent book is the Dott 07 Manual. Dott 07 (Designs of the time 2007), a year of community projects, events and exhibitions based in North East England, explored what life in a sustainable region could be like – and how design could help us get there.