22nd Feb 2010 - 26th Feb 2010
St Peter's House Library
St Peter’s House Library 4th floor study room from 11.00-12.00pm
Mon 22 February 2010: 'Waiting for the light' - Prof Mike Tucker, Professor of Poetics
Ezra Pound once said that a book should be like a ball of light in one’s hand. Mike's talk will cover not so much the theme of looking for such books, but waiting for them to come to one's attention.
Tuesday 23 February 2010: ‘Fashion and fishes' - Prof Lou Taylor, Professor of Dress & Textile History
Lou will talk about using period fashion magazines in St Peter's House as a starting point to develop critical material culture interpretations on the ‘meanings’ to be drawn from analysis of texts on women's fashions 1900-1945'.
Wednesday 24 February: ‘Lost in the stacks' – Peter Seddon, Director of the Arts Practices and Performance Research Institute (APPRI) and Reader in Arts Practices and Historiography
Peter will describe wandering and getting lost in the library stacks in the byways and lost forgotten corners of archives and collections and reflect on these serendipitous processes and their connections to an increasingly managed collection of information. The library as a land of freedom and resistance.
Friday 26 February: ‘Glass plates to polaroid: two portraits from the picture library' – Dr Catherine Moriarty, Curatorial Director of the University of Brighton Design Archives
Catherine will talk about the expertise of the picture librarian and the under-valued knowledge exchanges that take place between the librarian and 'user'.