25th February 2015 5pm - 6.30pm
Grand Parade, M2
The Arts and Humanities Research Forum (AHRF) is a research forum for staff and students in the University’s Arts and Humanities College generated by the Doctoral Centre and the Centre for Research and Development The AHRF is a fortnightly event series open to all research students and staff as well as open to the public as audience members. The forum provides a regular facilitative context in which researchers can trial or rehearse research designs, argue for and justify appropriate methodological approaches and frameworks, and debate theory/practice relationships in their studies.
"Enduring injustices and politics of time in post-conflict Derry/Londonderry (N. Ireland)"
In this presentation I set out to chart a theoretical framework through which to grasp the embodied politics of time embedded in different commemorative practices. In order to do so, I focus on post-conflict Derry/Londonderry, a city that is steadily becoming a role model of "liberal peace" within Northern Ireland's peace process. Drawing upon groups that resist such liberal peace and its underpinning hegemonic temporality, I will analyse some of the embodied and spatial practices staged in order to disrupt these temporalities as part of wider demands of justice and reparation.