11th Mar 2015 5:00pm-6:30pm
M2, Board Room, Grand Parade
Sarah Tuck
‘The Event of Photography as a Critical Research Methodology’
The paper will consider the use of Ariella Azoulay’s proposition of the ‘event of photography’ as a critical research method and curatorial framework to explore the affective meanings of photographs in the context of the aftermath of the Troubles signalled by the Good Friday Agreement. The paper will present some of the implications of staging the ‘event of photography’ to explore the political temporality of post Agreement. It will explore how the ‘event of photography’ as site of assembly and space of discourse provided the conditions for a discussion of the affective meanings of the work of six photographers - John Duncan, Kai Olaf Hesse, Mary McIntyre, David Farrell, Paul Seawright and Malcolm Craig Gilbert.
2nd Speaker TBC
The Arts and Humanities Research Forum (AHRF) is a research forum for staff and students in the University’s Arts and Humanities College generated by the Doctoral Centre and the Centre for Research and Development The AHRF is a fortnightly event series open to all research students and staff as well as open to the public as audience members. The forum provides a regular facilitative context in which researchers can trial or rehearse research designs, argue for and justify appropriate methodological approaches and frameworks, and debate theory/practice relationships in their studies.