3rd Jun 2015 5:00pm-6:30pm
M2, Board Room, Grand Parade
In this presentation I set out to reflect upon the practices of historical and biographical research. I focus on an ongoing project; the literary recovery of the works of Tyneside poet and songster Robert Gilchrist (1797-1844), my 3 x great-grandfather. I will discuss the choices and constraints the historian has to contend with in generating a biography and (re)mediating a life in personal, professional and public contexts.
Abstract tbc
The Arts and Humanities Research Forum (AHRF) is a research forum for staff and students in the University’s Arts and Humanities College generated by the Doctoral College and the Centre for Research and Development The AHRF is a fortnightly event series open to all research students and staff as well as open to the public as audience members. The forum provides a regular facilitative context in which researchers can trial or rehearse research designs, argue for and justify appropriate methodological approaches and frameworks, and debate theory/practice relationships in their studies.
Please contact J.Lane2@Brighton.ac.uk for further details