9th Feb 2015 6:00pm
Boardroom, Grand Parade
Can Brighton be the Next Silicon Valley? (and other FAQs)
Public talk by Phil Jones, Wired Sussex
With Brighton and Hove’s digital, creative and IT sectors growing from strength to strength, Managing Director, Wired Sussex, Phil Jones, explores the possibility that the area could one day be a leading hub for high-tech innovation, development and startup companies to rival Silicon Valley.
In the audience will be a selection of digital and tech savvy members ready to put Phil on the spot about his visions for Brighton’s digital future.
Phil Jones is currently Managing Director of Wired Sussex. In this capacity he advises a wide number of digital media companies and oversees the agency’s various projects and initiatives. He sits on the advisory group of The Economic Partnership (which develops the economic strategies for Brighton) and is currently Chair of the South East Media Network Skills Group.
Can Brighton be the Next Silicon Valley? (and other FAQs) - Phil Jones, Wired Sussex from Arts Brighton on Vimeo.