Your Life Plan - how to set yourself on the right path and take charge of your life.
Ever wondered what it is that you were 'born to do'? We live in a time of great opportunity, with so many career choices open to us it. It can feel hard to navigate this world, where many new roles, job titles and ways of working exist. So often, our focus is on the career options ahead of us - but it can be tricky to make a choice until we know who we are and what we want. This practical, interactive talk, by Erica Sosna, careers coach and author of Your Life Plan will provide you with a unique, practical framework to understanding who you are, what matters to you and how to develop a life plan that makes work work for you!
Erica Sosna is an inspirational speaker, careers coach and author. For ten years, she has specialised in enabling people in transition and new graduates to identify their skills, talents and passion and find the right 'fit' in the world of work. She has coached start up entrepreneurs, taught senior executives how to present without notes and enabled students from all disciplines to set themselves on their path to personal and professional success. Erica is a frequent speaker at Brighton University and works as a leadership consultant and coach for clients including AXA, Channel 4, Merck Pharmaceuticals and the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Erica Sosna
Tickets: Book your FREE TICKETS now via our online store.
Making Your Way in the Arts (MYWITA) is a series of professional practice events for the creative industries, hosted by the Faculty of Arts and University of Brighton Careers Service during the annual Graduate Degree Show exhibition. Previous MYWITA events have included portfolio workshops, sessions on applying for arts funding, advice on presenting yourself, and guides to selling your work. View this year's full programme here:
For who? Everyone.
Events are free and open to all.
Advance booking advisable.
All events held at:
Faculty of Arts
University of Brighton
58–67 Grand Parade
Brighton, BN2 0JY
Got questions?
For further information regarding the MYWITA series, please contact: or phone 01273 644099
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