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Remants of Khiam. Commemorating the History of a Devastated Detention Centre in Southern Lebanon. Testimony, Memorial, Vestiges
The Empire in the garden: The British Empire, gardens and national identity in 19th and early 20th century Britain.
An investigation into the aesthetics of community, collaborative and collective filmmaking in the UK focusing on the period 1968-1981.
Tacitean Commanders as products of their time.
Visible Resistance: Reframing Gender in Feminist and Queer Film and Video
The construction of female consciousness in Philip Massinger's Dramatic Canon.
Walter Benjamin and Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious and the Problem of the Subject.
Music, musicology and anti-capitalism in the twenty-first century
Deep Listening: the strategic practices of female experimental composers post 1945.
The Queering of Photography: A Generative Encounter
Narrating and Constructing History, Time and Social Space in the Film and Video Essay
The Sociolinguistics of Youth Culture - rap, hip hop and identity among Polish youth in Biala Podlaska and Polish transnationals in Putney Vale, London.
The Ignorant Demos: The incompatibility of Neoliberalism and Democracy.
Ecoacoustics: ecology and environmentalism in contemporary music and sound art
The immaterial Design Practice of Insurance from 1680 to the Present.
I am a Stylus: Play, Erase, Replay and Overdub as Strategies for Contemporary Fine Art Practice.
Visionary Kingdom: Media, History and the Plane of Delirium.
Nature Rituals of the early Medieval Church of Britain: Christian Cosmology and the Conversion of British Landscape from St Ninian to Bede
Take your Harem Pants Off, Baby: Ethnicity, Modernity and Tradition in the Musical Practice of the Bosnian Krajina.
Justa notha teenage rebel: Belfast Punk and the Troubles 1977-1982. (Keywords: Space, Subcultures, Memory, Punk, Oral History)
An evaluation of audiodescription as a means of encouraging autistic spectrum disorder audiences to access and engage with the complex emotions portrayed in audiovisual texts.
Confrontation with Catastrophe: Shakespeare and Appropriation in the Drama of David Rudkin, Howard Barker and Sarah Kane.
Documentary films and National Identity: The use of State-funded Newsreels in the Creation of a New National identity in the Islamic Republic of Iran during the Iran-Iraq war.
Dancing as work and dancing as leisure in works by professional artists performed in professional contexts by ‘non-professionals’
Animal metaphors and the depiction of female avengers in Attic tragedy: a theory of dramatic characterisation
The Semiotic Subject: Shakespeare and the Early Modern Philosophy of Language
Beyond the Resistance: Second World War Memory and Forgetfulness in Italian Novels (1960-2000)
Justice Beyond Justice: An examination of the meaning of "justice" within public campaigns responding to police or state related deaths
Sound Design for the Contemporary Novel: Applying the Poetics of John Cage to Digital Prose Fiction
Camp de Rivesaltes: A topography of French Cultural Memory
Involuntary and Irregular: An interdisciplinary study of trembling, the trembling body and narratives of trembling through moving image practice
Beside Themselves: Shakespeare's Ecstatic Subjects
What the women have to say: women’s perspectives on language, identity and nation in Cataluña
Destroy, She Said - On Early Cinema’s Comediennes and Destruction as a Comic Strategy
‘A design for doing’: The Status of the Text in Contemporary British Theatre
Defining new modes of architectural representation and proposition for politically contested architectural sites.
How to construct a line of flight: A psychoanalytic genealogy of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept
The Network Optic: Authorship and Collectivity after Vertov
Manuscript fragments and the bindings from which they were removed: Recording the evidence
Geography in Dialogue: Print Culture at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), c. 1830–c. 2000
Study of an early fourteenth-century Northern-French manuscript: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, français 12786
'The English Guild Enquiry of 1388-9: A Comparative Study of English Guilds and Fraternities at the end of the Fourteenth Century
Science in the Kitchen in Victorian England