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Fog Tropes: The social and cultural history of the foghorn 1853 to the present day
Using non-haptic interaction and virtual reality immersion to explore the generative potential of interactive film.
A critical history of logistics: digitised life as a logistical operation
Affect and emotion in philosophy and neuroscience: identity or difference?
Visual surveillance in the City of London (1994- present day). Discipline, control and the materiality of digital visual media
A fascination with Fascism: visions of the far right in 1970s/80s underground British culture, c. 1976-1989
Professional Women Interior Decorators, 1874 to 1900
Gendered identities and the role of needlecrafts in Britain on the home front during and after the First World War, 1914-1925
Diffracting the doldrums: performing feminist new materialisms in the everyday
Complex machines: representations of technology in early twenty-first century fiction
Zeitdiagnose - contemporary gendered readings of Hegel
World Cinema and the Asian New Waves of the 1980s
The medieval pregnancy test: determining pregnancy and predicting the child's sex in later medieval Europe
Fashioning Mnemosyne: Garments as Agents of Memory
Gothic Faultlines: Multimodal American Literature and the Collective Reading Enterprise
Raising the voice and visibility of independent Black publishers
'Boat of Letters' and the Poetics of Reticence: A Creative and Critical Thesis
Thinking as music, and thinking as dancing: the emergence of novelty in eternal return.
A Persistent Page: Exploring the relationship between page and text in artistic-poetic practice.
Transferring trauma: understanding distressing images and ghoulish spectres in the Internet culture
Electric Storm: Inventions, Systems and Techniques in Electronic Composition (1950-80s)
Everyday Trauma and Late-Capitalist Symptoms: 'Lost Footage' in Late Twentieth-Century French Fiction
What is it if not right here? Questioning the sculptural object's constitution in representational media.
A Sense of Meaning: Applications of Embodied Cognition to Art Models
The making of a satire: implications of ancient philosophies in contemporary fiction
Navigating through bindings: Study of the bookbindings of ship's logbooks from maritime empires in early modern Europe
Textures of Fixation: The Viscous Substance in European Culture since 1850
Schema and Image: On the Need for a Hermeneutic Approach to Perceptual Experience
Between realism and the sublime: History in Cinema and Painting
An Ecological Poetics : Changing Symbols of the Natural World in Literature
To the Death? A Re-examination of the Stakes of Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature Since 1945
Marking Time: Chronometry, Chronology and Literary Culture in Anglo-Saxon England.
Subtitling live events through respeaking - increasing accessibility for all
Architectural geographies of the British public house for 1979 to the present day
Troubled generations? : An oral history of youth experience of the conflict in Belfast, 1969-1998
2015 -
Threshold Cartographies- the Poetics of Contested Space
Performing Heritage: Contemporary Community Engagements in the Heritage Realm
Oral self-translation of stand-up comedy: from mental text to performance and interaction
Vogue as Historical Code – Using moving image to explore how 20th Century history is materialised through fashion
Close to the Machine: Composing Digital Materiality through a Sonic Archive Practice
Theatre Design in Regional Theatre: Realising the Visual at The Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse 2003 – 2015
“Building a Nation: Consumer Culture and Design in SFR Yugoslavia in the 1970s”
Through the Dark Lens the Body Touches You: Irigary and Haptic in the work of contemporary female filmmakers
Realising the unreal - Swedenborg, photography and vision(s)
Constructing the architectural moving drawing: transdisciplinary practices between architecture and artists’ film
The Creation of Resistant Environments for Real-Time Improvisation with Electronics as a Compositional Strategy.
Masculinity under the Microscope: Nineteenth-Century Naturalism’s Feminine Frame
'The gentry are sequestred all': An investigation into the implementation, impact and ramifications of sequestration during the Civil War, Interregnum and Commonwealth periods, c1645-1660.
Reconciliation in the Basque Country: Examining the impact of gender dynamics in a post-conflict society
Strategies of resistance in the digital space: a feminist performance