How can my PhD intersect with industry, business and government priorities ?(e.g. PhDs funded by the National Productivity Investment Fund, NPIF
Your proposal for PhD in the arts and humanities can take a traditional format, being examined through the production of a thesis of about 80,000 words based on research conducted across any number of methodologies. There are other options.
One possibility is useful when the means to acquire and share knowledge is embedded in a practice, for example, art, design, architecture, music, drama or film. In these cases you might opt for the evidence of practice to be examined alongside a shorter thesis. These practice-led or practice-based PhDs can take many forms and could be founded on any suitable practice. In the film below we talk to some experienced students and supervisors who have worked with Doctoral Training Partnerships and funding through the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
There are also modes of study that offer collaboration with a partnering institution outside the traditional university. Students are supervised collaboratively across institutions that include one academic partner and one non-academic partner, usually on research that will usefully develop the partner's knowledge of an aspect of their wider work.