'I wrote a poem last night. Woke up and I hate it. [For Nial]'

Rosie Hess

Through her poetry Rosie often attempts to communicate seemingly trivial subjects. In this example she explores the liberating yet frustrating relationship between writer and writing.


When I say I study English words, 

I get ‘isn’t that the language you learnt first?’ 

But trying to put forth thoughts from my brain 

is like trying to explain the way light travels in particles 

and waves.

The way it cut through the rain like some god’s rays.

I’d like some way to say I was elevated to elation with little to no explanation,

but it seems such a wasted aspiration.

I’m learning what words are worth and I’m lost searching for verses.

Abused and overused trying to convey ‘truth’,

it’s so easy for words to sound absurd with everything uttered so easily misconstrued

semantics will create and will ruin you.

So much lost from synapse to typing,

from trying intangible angles of experiencing in writing.

Don’t relax your syntax,

it’s a flexible lexicon but you’ve got to know what you’re trying to show

or just live in hope.

Frustrated sitting in time and space wasted, unable to find some words that relate to this random spate of brain activity,

then successive impressions longing to escape expressive oppression.


There’s nothing like reading a piece that leaves a lingering feeling,

something you’d been fleeing but found relief in this peace of mind 

that someone, somewhere is articulating lived sensations with words

you could never seem to find.


I try to right things, when it comes to writing.

It stresses me and tests me trying to express freely,

until I’m convinced I don’t care and never wanted anything from this anyway. 

And then a star fades in

and my panic starts waning

because there’s someone out there to whom it’s relating;

or the friend I never thought was reading 

says it gave them a feeling and 

somehow meaning

was found.


So I think what I’m trying to say is words are worthless but sometimes they work and that’s worth it.



Rosie Hess


brightONLINE student literary journal

18 Nov 2014