31st Aug 2011 - 2nd Sep 2011
Grand Parade, University of Brighton
"9/11" Decade: Rethinking Reality
Wednesday 31 August - Friday 2 September 2011
It is no exaggeration to claim that the politics of the last decade have their origin in one event: the hijacking and flying of passenger aircraft into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Since then wars, putatively justified as responses to this attack, have raged in Iraq and in Afghanistan. These wars have resulted in the growth of violent opposition to a perceived US imperial polity; have been used to justify the rewriting of long established legal frameworks protecting the people’s rights have led to neurosis about the protection of borders which the age of global capital was supposed to bring to an end; and have seen the crippling of active leftist opposition to the opportunistic furtherance of the neo-liberal revolution.
This interdisciplinary conference sought to critically rethink this last decade and to put into question the nostrums it would have us take for granted.
Paper abstracts for the CAPPE 'The "9/11" Decade: Rethinking Reality' conference [pdf 176.3 KB]
Draft programme for the CAPPE 'The "9/11" Decade: Rethinking Reality' conference [pdf 64.4 KB]