Feature article guidance
Please structure your study as follows:
Author's name and institution
Title of article
Please provide 4-6 keywords to make the feature article searchable.
AbstractInclude a brief outline (approximately 100 words) of the feature article.
Main text
The feature article should be 2,000 – 3,000 words long. Submissions must be made using MS Word with formatting kept to a minimum and the 'Stylesheet' tool never used. The style should be indicated as 'Normal' throughout. Please write out all acronyms on first use. Use size 10 arial font and single spacing. Quotations of 40 words or longer should be indented in the text with an additional one line space above and below.
Contact information
Include any contact details that you would like us to publish.
Approximately 100 words including any credentials and professional experience/qualifications that inform the feature article. If the feature article is accepted, these details will be published (verbatim) in Networks and on this website.
Please use the Harvard referencing system described in the Referencing guide. The use of footnotes or endnotes is discouraged.
We actively encourage the use of images. If at all possible please include 3-4 images/illustrations. Please title images using figure numbers and include a list of corresponding captions. If you are including images please ensure that you have acquired all relevant permissions. Do not embed images within the main text. Please email them in JPEG format at 300dpi quality or higher.
Submit as a Microsoft Word document to Debbie Flint: d.flint@brighton.ac.uk
Successful authors will receive a £300 fee.
Evaluation of submitted content
Please note that we are unable to publish all features submitted; articles will be reviewed by the Networks team and evaluated for their relevance to the subject community, anticipated interest and timeliness. You may be asked to make amendments. If you would like to make a speculative enquiry or discuss a submission please contact Debbie Flint: d.flint@brighton.ac.uk