11th Jul 2016 - 14th Jul 2016
Sallis Benney Theatre
College of Arts and Humanities Annual Research Festival 2016
11 – 14 July
How are researchers in the College of Arts and Humanities developing and creating networks whilst engaging with others? How do these networks influence and increase their knowledge and understanding? How do partnerships affect the researcher’s experience? This year’s Annual Research Festival programme expanded on this theme.
Our main festival day on Monday 11 July aimed to provide a representative flavour of exciting research being developed in the College, across disciplines, methodologies and experiences; an opportunity to find out about colleagues’ work and to join in the discussions.
From Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 July, a range of workshops, forums and presentations offered colleagues practical opportunities to explore further tools and knowledge in support of research development in their professional academic life.
The festival was open to all members of the College, the wider university community and partners, including academics, administrators, technicians and postgraduate students.
Monday, 11 July
Presentations in Sallis Benney Theatre
Welcome and introduction
Professor David Cotterrell
Research Now: Networks, Cultures and Conversations
Professor Dennis Doordan
Developing and Researching Networks, or: Research Takes you to the Strangest Places
Dr Annebella Pollen
The people’s pier: Regeneration, community engagement and popular culture heritage
Dr Olu Jenzen
Pecha Kucha session
An Anthropologist in Design
Professor Jo-Anne Bichard
Meaning; Media; Machines
Professor Karen Cham
Translations from Teaching to Practice
Professor Charles Holland
A 400-Year Burning Question
Professor Kelly Snook
Early Career Researcher
Our Machines
Louise Colbourne
PhD session
Chaired by Professor Darren Newbury
Shrimping & Embroidering Reasons
Gavin Fry
The Colonial Gaze and the Creation of the Other
Ekua Mcmorris
Negotiating Silence - How do we tell the stories of those whose stories have barely been told?
Jason Porter
Practice-based research session
Do humans need to be useful and to what end(s)?
Claudia Kappenberg
Workshops, seminars and forums
Tuesday to Thursday, 12 - 14 July
The festival this year included a wide range of workshops, seminars and forums which were planned to offer colleagues practical opportunities to explore tools and knowledge in support of research development in their professional academic life.
Report on sessions 12-14 July
Material, including the presentations and recordings of some of the sessions, is available to members of the university in the following folder: Presentations and supporting materials. You will need your university username and password to access the site.
Image: 'Wind drawing' by Jane Fox ('Touching The World Lightly' Bullen, Fox, Lyon 2016)
The-Network-of-Research-ARF-2016-programme.pdf at University of Brighton, College of Arts and Humanities [pdf 2.3 MB]
Report-on-first-day-of-Annual-Research-Festival-2016.pdf at University of Brighton, College of Arts and Humanities [pdf 114.4 KB]
Report-on-Workshops-Annual-Research-Festival-2016.pdf at University of Brighton, College of Arts and Humanities [pdf 96.2 KB]