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Can I apply for funding to help with travel to study related activities?
Yes, there are several types of funding that you can apply for:
Unfortunately TECHNE Associates can’t apply for training and events funding. Associates aren’t eligible for AHRC funding but are welcome to attend TECHNE events and participate in activities and Partner engagement opportunities.
Ad hoc travel funding is claimed through the expense process at your home institution, so please contact your local administrator (as listed on the page) for details.
RTSG is claimed through your home institution and the amounts available and application processes differ by institution, so please contact your local administrator (as listed on the page) for details.
SS&WP Applications (SS&WP) are considered throughout the year. Applications should be sent to techne@rhul.ac.uk with ‘Study Support Application’ in the subject field.
Yes, RTSG funding can be used to undertake study visits, attend conferences and to cover other primary research costs e.g. equipment, consumables. If you have used all of the RTSG funds available to you, or your request falls outside of the scope of RTSG, then you should apply for SS&WP funds.
Travel costs for attending the TECHNE bi-annual Student Congresses and Welcome Event can be reclaimed from your home institution using its usual procedure for expense claims. If overnight accommodation has been provided but no evening meal, you can claim reimbursement for those subsistence costs (in line with your institution’s policy). Please note that travel costs for students travelling to their home institution are not eligible.
Yes, but please note that you can only apply for funding to cover specialist materials which you could not access any other way. You should apply for RTSG funding for these costs. Any non-specialist materials (e.g. laptops) or equipment which can be provided by or accessed at your university (e.g. books, cameras and other equipment) are not eligible for funding.
Yes, TECHNE students can apply via the Study Support and Work Placement Fund (SS&WP) for an extension to stipend and fees for up to six months to enable students to undertake work placements or extended skills development activities of between 30 days and 6 months (either in a block or spread over a number of weeks or months). For further details of eligibility please see the application form. The placement must commence before the end of your funded period.
Even if you receive an extension to your fees and stipend, please note that your submission date will not be extended, in line with AHRC regulations.
TECHNE has funding to support Student-led Events. These must involve at least five students from more than one TECHNE institution. TECHNE can offer administrative and financial support of up to £800 for events or initiatives which may include: symposia, performances, workshops, poster days, exhibitions, public engagement events or awaydays.
There are two deadlines for applications through the year to coincide with meetings of the TECHNE Training Group who will assess the applications. These deadlines are in November and May. Applications should be sent to techne@rhul.ac.uk with ‘Student Event Funding Application’ in the subject field. All applications will be acknowledged, and considered at the next meeting of the Training Group.