Home » For and about students » Training and support » Records of TECHNE Events » Congress » TECHNE Congress June 2018: Sensing Endings
The theme for this TECHNE Congress lends itself to thinking about the process of finishing/ending of a piece of work, a text, a collaboration, as well as questions about what ending means in terms of the qualities and memories of the underpinning relationships involved.
How do we end things, and why? Are we currently living through the end of days, in a state that verges toward the apocalyptic? How can we make sense of this kind of experience? How do we find narrative closure? (How) do endings give rise to new beginnings? What happens beyond the act of finishing a thesis, or a staging a finale?
Is there a call-back after the curtain fall? Is life in academia a survival story and what is on the horizon? Does leaving the academy after graduation close off opportunities or diversify them? What opportunities for reflection and revision can be seized on following the experiences of ending?
TECHNE Congress June 2018: Sensing Endings Programme
"How do I get the job I want?" An introduction to the CareerSmart Toolkit - Hayley Cordingley.
Writing a 4* Journal Paper - Phil Powrie
Public Policy Impact in the Arts and Humanities - Beatrice Turner