Home » For and about students » Training and support » Career Development Programme » Careers Webinars » Careers Webinars Archive
This page contains links to recordings and/or slides of our careers webinars from previous years, provided by The Careers Group. Please click on the webinar title to view the recording/slides.
Harnessing LinkedIn To Build Your Creative, Cultural and Academic Profile & Network (19th May 2022)
Career Options in Academia, Research & Education (
Click here to view the slides.
Writing Persuasive Approaches for Placements, Internships & Work Experience (17th February 2022)
How to boost your PhD CV lines & Career Options (28th October 2021)
Click here to view the slides. This webinar explores:
Effective Job Hunting Online: From Finding the Ad to Aceing the Interview (30th September 2021)
Click here to view the slides. This webinar covers:
Managing Your Time as a Researcher: Optimise the Summer (15th July 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson explores:
Online Interviews, Pitches & Presentations (24th June 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson explores:
Hone Your Writing Skills: CVs, Job Applications and Funding Proposals (17th June 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson explores:
Career Options in the Heritage Sector (20th May 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson will explore:
Career Options Beyond Academia (6th May 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson explores:
Thriving In Uncertainty and Strengthening Your Resilience (15th April 2021)
There is no recording of this webinar, but you can access the slides by clicking the link above.
This webinar with Liz Wilkinson explores:
Career Options in Creative Entrepreneurship (19th March 2021)
Part of the Techne Career Options webinar series.
We will explore:
Writing Persuasive Approaches for Placements, Internships & Work Experience (4th March 2021)
Part of the Techne Career Development webinar series.
We will explore:
Build Your Professional and Creative Community through Effective Networking (11th February 2021)
Part of the Techne Career Development webinar series. We will explore:
Reboot Your Research Momentum for 2021 (14th January 2021)
Part of the Techne Common creative Professional Dilemmas webinar series.
We will explore:
What do you need to do to make good progress on your research in 2021?
How can you best manage your time, energy and sanity?
How can you make the most of the Techne support to keep your research journey on track?
Common Creative Professional Dilemmas: The Imposter Syndrome (3rd December 2020)
The Imposter Syndrome (Clance & Innes, 1978) describes a cluster of beliefs and behaviour that can undermine your self-esteem and increase self-sabotaging tendencies.
This webinar will give you the opportunity to
Career Options Beyond Academia - An Overview (26th November 2020)
Techne Career Options Webinar Series. This webinar will focus how you might capitalise on your PhD and find job satisfaction in careers beyond academia
Career Options in Academia and Education (12th November 2020)
Effective Job Hunting Online & Virtual Interviews (15th October 2020)
This webinar will focus on how to find and apply effectively for opportunities online
Planning Your Next Career Development Steps in the Post Covid-19 Market (24th September 2020)
Part of the Techne Career Development Webinar Series. This webinar will focus on how you can capitalise on Post-Covid market changes and opportunities
Researchers Masterclass: Launching and maintaining a portfolio career
What even is a ‘portfolio career’? In this webinar we will be looking at what it involves to become an independent professional or freelancer; why once you work for yourself, you’re running a business; building your own career ladder; the basics of a trading structure; income streams, strands and cashflow; getting organised.
Researcher Masterclass: Balancing your professional and research identities
Are you juggling professional work and research? This webinar will explore how to balance your different work identities including: explaining your research to colleagues, identifying and articulating your transferable skills, using ideas and inspiration from work in your research and vice versa, and effective networking.
Researchers Masterclass: Increasing confidence
What is confidence? Everyone experiences self-doubt and faces obstacles in achieving their goals, no matter how clear these are. Psychologists believe that there are two core aspects of confidence; self-confidence (or self-efficacy) and self-esteem. We will be looking at the difference between these two facets and then explore how you can use that knowledge to build both. This will help you approach your PhD, future career or any other important purpose with greater faith in your abilities. We will also touch on aspects of using a development plan and gaining feedback from others e.g. mentors in order to increase your self-confidence and purposefully stretch into your ‘learning zone’ on a regular basis.
Researchers Masterclass: LinkedIn secrets for researchers
LinkedIn has over 400 million users and 94% of recruiters use it to search, contact, vet and hire candidates. The link to your LinkedIn profile also shows up in the top three results when someone does a Google search for your name. You can use various strategies such as networking, job searching, keeping up with your professional field, and building and maintaining your online presence to leverage LinkedIn to manage your career. The focus is always on building quality and meaningful relationships.
Researchers Masterclass: CVs and applications for academic jobs
Knowing how to showcase your research effectively in a CV and how to produce a persuasive and effective job application are valuable skills as you move forward in your academic career.
Webinar: The Time-pressed Researcher - How to balance research, work and family care
This webinar is designed for those who are balancing their research with caring responsibilities. We will look at:
· Clarifying your research, work and family priorities
· Tips for smart thinking and smart working to make the most of your time and energy
· Emergency first aid for when it all gets too much
Developing and Creating Virtual Internships, Placements and Industry Networking
Were you planning a placement with an external organisation and now want to explore virtual options with them?
Are you wondering how you could approach a new organisation and offer them some virtual internship support in this time of crisis?
How can you use this social distancing period to network virtually and to raise your profile with potential employers or funders?
Do you want to understand how Techne supports virtual placement and work experience activities for its students?
This webinar will be a chance to hear from the Techne careers and placement experts with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and to share experiences and ideas.
Common Creative Professional Dilemmas Series: How can I best manage my time?
You can also view the PowerPoint presentation for this webinar here.
“Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.”
This webinar will give you the opportunity to explore and discuss with fellow Techne students:
· How you think and feel about your current time management approach?
· Procrastination – when is it a useful signal and when does it get in the way?
· Balancing Study/Work/Family priorities and avoiding burnout
· Practical time management tips, techniques and suggestions
Career Options Series - Changing Your Career and Creative Direction
Would you like to change the direction of your careers and creative focus? This webinar will give you the opportunity to explore and discuss :
· How to map out your career ideas, drivers and constraints
· How to evaluate your current career and creative capital
· How to activate your network in support of your dreams
Maintaining Momentum - The Highs & Lows of the Research Journey