11 Yun Chin Hsu

University of Brighton Faculty of Arts Student magazine article.


Absent by Dorry Hsu



This is a work from 5 years ago, but I have refreshed the meaning recently while starting my MA studying in Britain. This series of photographs named “Absent” - using my black and white portrait posts around my bathroom, homes, the park next to school, which is like a missing person poster to show my absence around this social net working. I was physically being there, but no one would remember my existence such as the missing people. With the suspected symptom of Autism, this series of photographs represents my absence within myself; as one of the children in my family, it represents my absence within the family; as an Asian girl was living in Western society, it represents my absence within the society. Without the chance of studying in the western society, UK, again, I cannot understand myself completely, and I might pass through my ages ignorantly from childhood to elderly like one image with a child swinging in the park.

The experience of higher education is about a process of challenging, and deconstructing my cognition of myself through the critical environment. The process of creating art sometimes is too subjective, so such a critical environment challenges the way of thinking. Through the experience of higher education, I reorganize myself in a very short time. 

Yun Chin Hsu
Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products
Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, Birmingham City University



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brightONLINE student literary journal

23 Apr 2012