

Katrin Kivimaa, ed., Working with Feminism: curating and exhibitions in Eastern Europe, (Tallinn University Press, 2012)

Katy Deepwell ed., New Feminist art criticism (Manchester University Press, 1995)

Angela Dimitrakaki and Lara Perry eds., Politics in A Glass Case: Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions (Liverpool University Press, 2013)

Deepwell, Katy "Feminist Curatorial Strategies and Practices Since the 1970s" New Museum Theory and Practice Ed. Janet Marstine. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 64-80. Print

Hedlin Hayden, Malin and Sjoholm Skrubbe, Jessica (eds) Feminisms is Still our name: Seven Essays on Historiography and Curatorial Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. Print

Meskimmon, Marsha "On curatorial Practice and the making of feminist histories" And the One Doesn't Stir

Curatorial Strategies N.Paradoxa 18 (July 2006):Print 

Pollock, Griselda Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum; Time, Space and the ArchiveAbingdon. Routledge, 2007. Print

Reilly, Maura. "Curating Transnational Feminisms". Feminist Studies 36/1 (2010) 156-173. Print


Moderna Museet - on the 'second museum of our wishes' programme for collecting work by women artists

Museum of Modern Art - New York 'Modern Women'

Stedelijk Museum - November 2010 conference on feminism in contemporary art

womeninmuseum - European funded research network for women's museums around the world


Curatorial Collectives and Feminist Politics in 21st Century Europe: An Interview with Kuratorisk Aktion

Recommended Reading



  • "Editing the Image: Strategies in the Production and Reception of the Visual" (Conference on Editorial Problems), eds. Mark Cheetham, Elizabeth Legge, Catherine M. Soussloff, Toronto: Univesity of Toronto Press, 2008, p. 153-164.


MACDONALD, Sharon & FYFE, Gordon. 

POLLOCK, Griselda

STEORN, Patrik