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Fine Art at Brighton fosters a dynamic research culture with three key aims:
- To nurture individual research through group appraisal
- To promote collaborative inter-disciplinary research within the university and beyond.
- To generate networks and encourage research partnerships to a national and international level.
To do this, the Initiative is split into six interlinked topics:
- Art & Technology - studio and process-based research
- The Art Cell - inter-disciplinary research, linking art and bio-medical science
- Art & Performance - ‘live’ and audio-visual research that explores the interface between these two disciplines
- Innovation in Teaching & Learning - student placements and pedagogic collaborations
- Art in the Environment - research carried out as a response to climate change and natural phenomena
- Inclusive Arts - research collaborations with communities who, traditionally, work outside the artworld)
- Drawing Research Interest Group (DRIG) – research into expanded notions of drawing
As part of its continual development of research the group holds regular peer discussions, reviews, exhibitions, awaydays and symposia.