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Home » Projects archive » Waste and Energy Research Group » Energy » Carbon Reduction
Carbon Reduction

A raft of legislation geared towards reducing carbon emissions is being introduced to combat the increasing challenge of climate change. Examples include the Climate Change Act 2008 which sets legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050 and by 34% by 2020 against a 1990 baseline. The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme obligates organisations whose electricity consumption through all half hourly meters (HHM) was at least 6,000 MWh in 2008 to pay for each tonne of CO2 emitted. Public sector occupiers of buildings with a Gross Internal Floor Area (GIA) over 1,000 m2 are required to display a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) which shows the building’s energy rating. There is now a proposal out seeking to extend DECs to the commercial sector.
WERG is in position to help you reduce emissions by:
- Carrying out an energy survey of your building to identify areas of high energy use and to recommend ways to reduce energy wastage.
- Assisting your organisation comply with the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme guiding you through each stage of the scheme.
- Assisting you in designing or redesigning your energy policy ensuring that your organisations path to energy efficiency is clear and achievable.
Please contact Firooz Firoozmand for information about our carbon reduction services