- 1908
- Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
- Waste and Energy Research Group
- Aggregating the Student Voice
- Aesthetics of protest: Visual culture and communication in Turkey
- Barrier Solutions
- BRIDGE (Building Research & Innovation Deals for Green Economy)
- Breathing City
- Brighton Fuse ‘Fusebox’ Knowledge Exchange Project (2014-15)
- Brighton Fuse
- brightONLINE
- Community 21
- Community Media 4 Kenya
- Continuous Productive Urban Landscape
- Culture, Sport and Wellbeing - What Works for Wellbeing Programme
- Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights - ESRC Seminar Series
- Designing for the Future
- Digital Archaeology:
- Drawing Research Interest Group (DRIG)
- Drawing as a pedagogical tool
- Drawing research
- Discovering Digital Me: Forging Links across Digital Identity, Digital Literacy and Digital Economy (2011 - 2013)
- Edible Campus
- FutureCoast - FutureCoast Youth
- Flax – Increasing its Value for Society
- Graphic Brighton
- Here Today - Moving Images of Climate Change
- Healing War Through Art
- Hide
- The Role of Iconicity in Language Learning
- Improving Exercise Devices for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Innovation for Renewal (IFORE)
- INTERREG IVA ProjectFlax
- Invisible Machines
- LGBT Queer Life Research Hub
- LiVi
- MacDonald Gill
- Mobility of the Line / Utility of the Line
- Networks - Subject Centre Magazine
- Networks
- National Recording Project - Sussex
- Our Dancing Feet: Regent Dancehall/Wintergarden
- Postgraduate Design History Society (PDHS)
- Placemakers Space
- Portland Sculpture and Quarry Trust: Memory Stones
- Ryerson Brighton image exchange
- Research news archive
- Silver Stories
- sKINship
- Smart e-bikes
- StoryA | STORY Abroad
- Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) for earthquake zones
- Tempus Esprit
- Transnational perspectives on women's art, feminism and curating
- The Centre for Screendance
- The Craft of the Woods: A New Cultural History of the British Woodcraft Movement
- The Design Education Association
- Traces of Nitrate
- Tempus IDEA
- Urban Transformations Pathways from Practice to Policy
- VI-Suite
- Visual Learning Project
- The People's Pier: The popular culture of pleasure piers and cultural regeneration through community heritage
Home » Projects archive » CETLD » Architecture and Interiors Research » Architecture and Interiors Research
Architecture and Interiors Research
Research into many aspects of the built environment, including spatial design, urban development and architecture, is fostered at the University of Brighton.
Staff encourage and promote the wide variety of research being done across a number of subject areas and disciplines, to form research collaborations across the university, and to maximise the impact of this research locally, regionally and internationally. We engage in academic research, research consultancy and research-by-design projects with stakeholders in the city of Brighton and Hove, the southeast region and beyond.
The department works to develop research excellence and impact in key areas as well as providing an ideal environment for early career researchers. We offer postgraduate research degrees drawing on this research experience. For other courses in architecture and design please visit our courses website.

Meet the graduates - Freyja Sewell2011 prize winning graduate loved the creative freedom and access to the great workshops. Read more