Design Education Book


A study exploring the projects funded by the CETLD from an ‘outsider’ perspective

Project leader: Dr Philippa Lyon

This study explores the projects funded by the CETLD from a type of ‘outsider’ perspective. It aims to re-articulate the findings of these projects in non-specialist terms and analyse the researchers’ experiences: it also aims to identify thematic relationships and contrasts. Using an ethnographic approach, both formal reports and experiential accounts of the research are being analysed.

The vehicle for the research will be a book for audiences from different fields and sectors. This book will raise issues of day-to-day interest and relevance to HE teachers and students of Design subjects, educators linked to museums and special collections, colleagues in other Art & Design-related CETLs and managers of Art & Design provision in higher education.

By taking a non-specialist perspective, the book will also aim to interest a range of designers outside HE, including those with a more general interest in Design education.