Commercial & Industrial Waste Strategy

Commercial and Industrial Waste Strategy for Brighton & Hove
Mountain of crates

An estimated 68 million tonnes of Commercial and Industrial (C&I) waste is generated each year in England, 25% of total arisings. However locally C&I waste is more prevalent – for example it makes up nearly 75% of the waste generated in East Sussex.

At national and local there is a poor understanding of how much C&I waste is currently being generated and how it is being managed.  The key aim of this project is to develop a strategy, in partnership with East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and West Sussex County Council to improve how this waste is being managed.

The project aims to:
• Collate and analyse data on the composition and quantity of C&I waste generated in the Sussex area;
• Review and identify examples of good practice for managing C&I waste throughout the world;
• Identify and evaluate strategy options for managing this waste;
• Model the impact of these options including carbon savings and financial implications;
• Produce research document and strategy template for Sussex.
The project is being funded by BREW (now absorbed into WRAP) and short Knowledge Transfer Partnership (sKTP). Victoria Beard was appointed the sKTP Associate and is working with the partnering authorities to develop the strategy. The project is due for completion in late 2010. For more information on the project please contact Victoria Beard.