- 1908
- Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
- Waste and Energy Research Group
- Aggregating the Student Voice
- Aesthetics of protest: Visual culture and communication in Turkey
- Barrier Solutions
- BRIDGE (Building Research & Innovation Deals for Green Economy)
- Breathing City
- Brighton Fuse ‘Fusebox’ Knowledge Exchange Project (2014-15)
- Brighton Fuse
- brightONLINE
- Community 21
- Community Media 4 Kenya
- Continuous Productive Urban Landscape
- Culture, Sport and Wellbeing - What Works for Wellbeing Programme
- Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights - ESRC Seminar Series
- Designing for the Future
- Digital Archaeology:
- Drawing Research Interest Group (DRIG)
- Drawing as a pedagogical tool
- Drawing research
- Discovering Digital Me: Forging Links across Digital Identity, Digital Literacy and Digital Economy (2011 - 2013)
- Edible Campus
- FutureCoast - FutureCoast Youth
- Flax – Increasing its Value for Society
- Graphic Brighton
- Here Today - Moving Images of Climate Change
- Healing War Through Art
- Hide
- The Role of Iconicity in Language Learning
- Improving Exercise Devices for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Innovation for Renewal (IFORE)
- INTERREG IVA ProjectFlax
- Invisible Machines
- LGBT Queer Life Research Hub
- LiVi
- MacDonald Gill
- Mobility of the Line / Utility of the Line
- Networks - Subject Centre Magazine
- Networks
- National Recording Project - Sussex
- Our Dancing Feet: Regent Dancehall/Wintergarden
- Postgraduate Design History Society (PDHS)
- Placemakers Space
- Portland Sculpture and Quarry Trust: Memory Stones
- Ryerson Brighton image exchange
- Research news archive
- Silver Stories
- sKINship
- Smart e-bikes
- StoryA | STORY Abroad
- Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) for earthquake zones
- Tempus Esprit
- Transnational perspectives on women's art, feminism and curating
- The Centre for Screendance
- The Craft of the Woods: A New Cultural History of the British Woodcraft Movement
- The Design Education Association
- Traces of Nitrate
- Tempus IDEA
- Urban Transformations Pathways from Practice to Policy
- VI-Suite
- Visual Learning Project
- The People's Pier: The popular culture of pleasure piers and cultural regeneration through community heritage
Home » Projects archive » Waste and Energy Research Group » Local Authorities » Sorting out West Sussex
Sorting out West Sussex