Desire, possibility and pragmatism
Some insights into the needs, wants and wishes of design students
Students of design subjects are expected - perhaps even assumed - to be strongly influenced by their imaginations in developing their independent, self-motivated creative selves. How far do students feel that there is more that their education, and their interaction with museum collections and resources, could give them to develop their potential? What kind of learning opportunities, activities, challenges and most of all freedom do students desire when given the chance to explore? A number of the CETLD projects examined these issues, including several that were student-designed and run. Did these opportunities, when experienced, deliver what was hoped for? Could these opportunties be built into the curriculum in the future?
Enhancing students’ experience and understanding of the Screen Archive South East online resource
This collaboration between two distinct disciplines, endeavoured to inspire a deeper appreciation of Museum collections within HE
How design students learn from museum collections and other sources of inspiration
The Student Placement Programme investigated how Design students and tutors learn from museums
Sustainable Provocations: Urban Eco Bus System proposals for London, 15th and 16th January 2009 - a bus stop in the wardrobe?
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