Fine Art
Fine Art at Brighton fosters a dynamic research culture with three key aims:
- To nurture individual research through group appraisal
- To promote collaborative inter-disciplinary research within the university and beyond.
- To generate networks and encourage research partnerships to a national and international level.
To do this, the Initiative is split into six interlinked topics:
- Art & Technology - studio and process-based research
- The Art Cell - inter-disciplinary research, linking art and bio-medical science
- Art & Performance - ‘live’ and audio-visual research that explores the interface between these two disciplines
- Innovation in Teaching & Learning - student placements and pedagogic collaborations
- Art in the Environment - research carried out as a response to climate change and natural phenomena
- Inclusive Arts - research collaborations with communities who, traditionally, work outside the artworld)
- Drawing Research Interest Group (DRIG) – research into expanded notions of drawing
As part of its continual development of research the group holds regular peer discussions, reviews, exhibitions, awaydays and symposia.
Developing educational resources which explore issues of disability in architectural and design education
How design students learn from museum collections and other sources of inspiration
The Student Placement Programme investigated how Design students and tutors learn from museums
Sustainable Provocations: Urban Eco Bus System proposals for London, 15th and 16th January 2009 - a bus stop in the wardrobe?
This arts/medicine collaborative project explores biomechanics and design in interdisciplinary undergraduate studies
A visual investigation of the physical, intellectual and emotional space in which students learn fashion menswear
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