Search the CETLD Projects

On this page, you can search, browse by theme or view a sortable list of all the CETLD projects. Click on a project title to see a concise overview and selected images, audio and video. In many cases, PDF project reports can also be downloaded.


Below is a search facility that allows you to find CELTD projects using key words and phrases:


Following overview research across all of the CETLD projects, five themes have emerged. You may like to browse the projects under these themes:

Learning through the design process

Desire, possibility and pragmatism

The identities of design disciplines

Speaking and writing the visual

Exploring technology's place in design learning and teaching

You can find out more about these themes and the research that led to them by looking at the Design Education Book project.


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Inclusion by Design

Inclusion by Design 

A teaching aid to support the examination of the principles of accessibility and inclusive design in architectural and other design based education

See What I'm Saying

See What I'm Saying 

This collaboration between two distinct disciplines, endeavoured to inspire a deeper appreciation of Museum collections within HE

Search, Find and Connect

Search, Find and Connect 

This project is a CETLD funded PhD which aims to develop a conceptual framework of visual research to inform design pedagogy

Transatlantic Divide In Design Education

Transatlantic Divide In Design Education 

A comparison between British and American design education

Discipline Specific Online ICT Resource

Discipline Specific Online ICT Resource 

A discipline specific series of learning packages

Perspectives on Podcasts

Perspectives on Podcasts 

Development and evaluation of downloadable audio files for design students to use with a visit to the V&A museum

Sources of Inspiration

Sources of Inspiration 

How design students learn from museum collections and other sources of inspiration

Playground Magazine

Playground Magazine 

A printed magazine devised by students to showcase the creative talent within Grand Parade

So what is normal? The implications of thinking (dis)abilities for design education

So What is Normal? The Implications of Thinking (dis)abilities for Design Education 

Developing educational resources which explore issues of disability in architectural and design education

RIBA Architecture Wiki

RIBA Architecture Wiki 

RIBApedia - A wiki-based collaboration tool led by the Research & Development Department at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Creative Recycling of Waste Glass

Creative Recycling of Waste Glass 

Contributing to students' creativity and learning by using recycled glass

Observational Learning 

Observational Learning through Professional Studio Practice

Student Placement Programme

Student Placement Programme: Co-Learning with Museums and Archives 

The Student Placement Programme investigated how Design students and tutors learn from museums

A Student’s Guide to the Environmental Use of Glass in Buildings

A Student’s Guide to the Environmental Use of Glass in Buildings 

This project utilised advanced computational techniques to visualise glazing and its impact on its environment

Faculty of Arts Interdisciplinary Foundation

Faculty of Arts Interdisciplinary Foundation 

Student led project to provide mobile performance space for the 2009 degree show

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Showing  16 to 30 of 44